
Deutschlandstipendiat*innen(Foto: EmilianoProietti)

Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts (HfMDK), is awarding again around 72 Deutschlandstipendium scholarships for the winter semester 2024/2025 in accordance with the latest version of the Scholarship Program Act of July 21, 2010. Among them are also some purpose-tied scholarships.
The purpose of the scholarship is to support talented students at the HfMDK who are expected to achieve or have already achieved outstanding results in their studies or career.

Application periods

  • 01. -  31.07.2024 for enrolled students
  • 01. - 31.08.2024 for first-year students (1st semester as for WS 24/25)

Amount and Duration of Scholarship

The funding is usually for 2 semesters, the funding amount is 300 euros per month. Re-application within the standard period of study is possible.


Applications for a Deutschlandstipendium are open to those who

  • are enrolled at the HfMDK and are within the standard period of study, or
  • are about to begin their studies at the HfMDK.

Excluded are doctoral students and students of the MA IEMA.

If you are already enrolled at the HfMDK but would like to apply within a new degree programme (e.g. Master's or KE) that you will start in the winter semester 2024/25, you are considered a first-year student for the application procedure and must apply in the period 01 - 31 August 2024.

Application procedure:

The application is only accepted online via the application link on the HfMDK Website.You will find the LINK to the online application and the current call for applications within the application period at the bottom of this page.

Applications that are not submitted on time or in the correct form, as well as incomplete applications, will not be considered in the selection process.

Documents to submit:  

The documents to be submitted and details of the requirements applicable to your application can be found in the current call for applications (available for download at the bottom of this page).

Please apply for your documents in good time!
To ensure that you receive your transcript of records in time for the application deadline, you must apply to the Prüfungsamt by 21 July 2024. For further details see the call for applications.

Selection criteria:

  • Previous academic and examination results or the results achieved in the aptitude test, with particular reference to the main artistic subject (insofar as this is relevant to the degree programme).
  • special achievements, awards and prizes, previous professional activity and internships.
  • extracurricular involvement such as voluntary work, social, university or political involvement or participation in religious societies, associations or clubs.
  • Special personal or family circumstances such as illnesses and disabilities, caring for one's own children, especially as a single parent, or close relatives in need of care, working in a family business, gainful employment while studying, family background or a migration background.

Selection procedure:

The scholarship holders are selected by the scholarship selection committee after reviewing the submitted documents according to the above-mentioned criteria, usually in October. The selected scholarship holders will be notified by a letter or email.

For further details, please refer to the Statutes of the Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts (HfMDK) for the awarding of German scholarships in the version of 10.06.2024 

Scholarship Selection Commitee 2024/25:

  • Prof. Carsten Wiebusch (Vice President HfMDK)
  • Prof. Lucas Fels (Prodekan FB 1)
  • Prof. Dr. Katharine Schilling-Sandvoß (Prodekanin FB 2)
  • Prof. Silke Rüdinger (Prodekanin FB 3)
  • Prof. Dr. Christina Richter-Ibáñez (elected representative of the professors)
  • Prof. Ernst August Klötzke (elected representative of the professors)
  • Julia Gudi (elected representative of the students) 
  • David-Christian Sixt (elected representative of the students)
  • Lisa Beck (Women's and Equal Opportunities Officer)

Deutschlandstipendium: call for application_HfMDK 2024/25.pdf

Deutschlandstipendium: Letter of recommendation (template)

Lesefassung: Satzung der HfMDK Frankfurt für die Vergabe von Deutschlandstipendien

Nicht-amtliche Lesefassung. Stand: 10.06.2024

scholarship selection committee 2023/24

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