Aufgeschlagenes Notenbuch
(Foto: Laura Brichta)





Opening hours

Opening hours

Opening hours

Online catalog

Online catalog

Online catalog

Also interesting



Only students and lecturers of the university are entitled to borrow books; external users may use the librarys ressources on site but cannot borrow any media. Further details are regulated by the library regulations.

Lesefassung: Nutzungsordnung für die Bibliothek der Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt

Stand: 02.07.2024

Verwaltungskostenordnung [VwKostO-MWK]

Version dated 22.02.2023, valid from 04.03.2023

Eine Person zieht ein Buch aus einem Bücherregal.
(Foto: Laura Brichta)

Acquisition proposal

Acquisition proposal

Are you missing sheet music or books in our inventory? Important competition literature is missing? Other media are of such importance that they are constantly on loan? You can easily make an acquisition suggestion using the online form. The library management reserves the right to make the purchase decision.

Go to the form

Digital services

Digital services

In the library there are public internet computers of the university. From these - as from the entire university network - various licensed online services can be accessed. The offers can also be accessed from outside via HfMDK account (marked as: Shibboleth login).

Tours and courses

Tours and courses

We offer guided tours and introductory courses on the following topics.

All trainings take place in German - if not explicitly mentioned:

Further general guided tours in presence and digital format, as well as special guided tours on individual databases and online catalogue research (digital) will follow. You are also welcome to make an individual appointment for small groups.



The library holds several musicians' bequests, including those of former university directors Bernhard Sekles and Walther Davisson. For references see Use is only possible after prior registration.




Musikbuch Systematik

Schlagwortregister zur Musikbuch-Systematik

Systematik sonstige Bücher

Signaturenliste der AV-und Sonderbestände mit Standorten

Questions & Contact

Questions & Contact

Contact for lending and renewal

The library team