
Health insurance

All students from Germany and abroad must prove that they have health insurance when they enroll. We cannot enroll you without proof of health insurance.

In Germany there are two types of health insurance: statutory or public and private. After the 30th birthday or the 14th semester of study, they can no longer insure themselves in the favorable student rate of the public health insurance. For them the step remains to change to private health insurance or to insure themselves voluntarily with a public health insurance.

The certificate of the health insurance company must show the insurance number and, if available, the company number of the health insurance company.

If there is a private insurance, then a certificate of exemption from the "statutory insurance obligation" must be presented. This certificate can be issued by any statutory health insurance company.

Students who do not fulfill their obligations according to the Social Security Code towards the responsible health insurance company and therefore no longer have insurance coverage are to be exmatriculated.

EU citizens

As an EU citizen, have the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) issued to you if you have existing insurance coverage. The insurance card is sufficient for your study stay and mainly covers emergency treatment in any German hospital. Please ask your health insurance company in your home country whether the insurance coverage will be sufficient for Germany.

Non-EU citizens

When enrolling at the HfMDK, you will need a German insurance certificate. You must take out insurance in Germany with a German statutory health insurance company.

Accident insurance

Students are protected by the statutory accident insurance during their education and training at universities.

This means that you are also insured on the way to and from the place of study. (See § 8 Abs.2 Nr. 1 - 4 SGB VII).

The accident insurance applies to persons attending courses at a university - i.e. enrolled students - but also guest students and doctoral students who have already taken the final examination.

Informationen zur Unfallversicherung