Welcome to Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts! Find out more about our study programs in music, theater and dance – and apply now for the summer semester 2025.


Grafik einer gelben Hand und einer grünen Hand, die typische Handhaltungen beim Musizieren zeigen.
(Foto: State Design Consultancy)


From March 11 to 13, 2025, the HfMDK will be a meeting place for international chamber music ensembles. They will compete for the Schumann Chamber Music Prize Frankfurt in the piano trio category. Register now until November 1, 2024.

Study at the HfMDK

FOYERFUNK No. 16: Dive Into Your Dance Degree – How Students Naia and Johann Got Started At HfMDK

0min 00sec
0min 00sec

+++ This episode starts out in German but switches to English after a short introduction. +++

New year – new season – new degree? This January, FOYERFUNK is all about starting your studies at the Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts (HfMDK)! Dance students Naia Nieto and Johann Holland are the guests of our first episode this season. Both of them have found a safe space to discover themselves and hone their skills in the HfMDK dance studio. How nervous were they at their own audition and with what attitude should applicants go there? How did they experience their fresh start in Frankfurt? And what have they already learned as young dancers at the university? Naia and Johann share these personal insights with this season's host Maurício Homberg, student representative and music teaching major.

Find more episodes under Podcast. (All other episodes so far are in German)

Upcoming events

Mo, 20.01.2025, 15:00 19:00
15:00 19:00

Lec­tu­re-Rehe­ar­sals "String-Thin­king" mit Liza Lim / Cel­lo-Lim-Day 1

Icon OrtFinkenhof
Icon Eintritt FreiFor free
Liza Lim unterrichtet lächelnd zwei Studierende, die hinter ihren Notenpulten sitzen
Mo, 20.01.2025, 16:15 17:45
16:15 17:45

Ring­vor­le­sung „Was ist gute Mu­sik?“

Icon OrtHfMDK, A 207
Icon Eintritt FreiFor free
Ein Kontrabassist am Instrument, den Mund zum Schrei geöffnet.
(Foto: Laura Brichta)


The IzM develops teaching offers, workshops and projects on contemporary music for students of all faculties of the university. Are you interested in working across artistic disciplines? Contact us, we always have an open ear for new ideas.

We are HfMDK!