Artistic Music Studies KAM (Bachelor)

Beim Orchesterkonzert im hr-Sendesaal spielen mehrere Cellisten in einer Reihe und dahinter Bassisten.
(Foto: Laura Brichta)

Course content

Course content

The Bachelor's degree course in Artistic Music Studies consists of five curricula: orchestral instruments, piano/guitar, organ, historical instruments and conducting. Successful completion of the course provides a basic qualification for all relevant activities in the instrumental-artistic and instrumental-pedagogical or conducting fields.

Study objectives and focus

Close to the professional field and interdisciplinary

Interdisciplinary work is explicitly promoted through project and course offerings. Contact with a wide range of professional fields is ensured at an early stage through courses and the possible integration of internships. Intensive personal supervision by artistically and academically active teaching staff and a wide range of projects and collaborations characterize the students' education as well as the high quality of teaching at the university, which is ensured by continuous reflection.

Broad foundation and individual focus

In all curricula, students acquire basic pedagogical and didactic knowledge and gain experience in various teaching constellations. They develop differentiated musical listening skills, analytical skills and knowledge of musicological methods and fundamentals and link these with the artistic subjects. Through the elective area, students shape their individual artistic profile, which, with the help of possible specializations, can also lead to specialized Master's degree courses or directly into specific professional fields.

Info at a glance

BA KAM: Curriculum Orchesterinstrumente // Orchestral instruments

Studienverlaufsplan: Module, Detailverlauf und Schwerpunkte // Study plan: Modules, detailed course and specializations

BA KAM: Curriculum Klavier, Gitarre // Piano, Guitar

Studienverlaufsplan: Module, Detailverlauf und Schwerpunkte // Study plan: Modules, detailed course and specializations

BA KAM: Curriculum Orgel // Organ

Studienverlaufsplan: Module, Detailverlauf und Schwerpunkte // Study plan: Modules, detailed course and specializations

BA KAM: Curriculum Historische Instrumente // Historical instruments

Studienverlaufsplan: Module, Detailverlauf und Schwerpunkte // Study plan: Modules, detailed course and specializations

BA KAM: Curriculum Dirigieren // Conducting

Studienverlaufsplan: Module und Detailverlauf // Study plan: Modules and detailed course

Facts & Figures

Facts & Figures
8 semester
Standard duration of study
for the winter semester
Start of study
Bachelor of Music (B.Mus.)
240 CP
Credit Points

Dates & Deadlines

Dates & Deadlines

Dates and deadlines


Artistic Music Studies (KAM): Application deadline for winter semester 2025/2026


Aptitude tests for winter semester 2025/2026*

subject to change

*You will receive details of your aptitude test dates with your invitation approx. 3 to 4 weeks before your aptitude test appointment.

Klavier-Einzelunterricht: Eine Studentin spielt am Flügel, im Vordergrund sieht man den Professor, der ihr währenddessen etwas erklärt.
(Foto: Laura Brichta)



The prerequisite for admission to the Bachelor's degree program in Artistic Training in Music (KAM) is proof of a higher education entrance qualification (Abitur) in accordance with Section 54 (2) of the Hessian Higher Education Act of 14 December 2009 as amended on 21 December 2010. A lack of a higher education entrance qualification can be replaced by an outstanding artistic aptitude (at least 19 out of a possible 25 points in the aptitude test) in accordance with Section 54 (4) sentence 3 HHG.

Sufficient oral and written knowledge of German is required for admission to the Bachelor's degree course in Artistic Music Studies (KAM). Admission requires the successful completion of an aptitude test.



Online application

What do I need for the application?

Nachweis von Sprachkenntnissen

Hier finden Sie eine Liste der Nachweise deutscher Sprachkenntnisse für alle Studiengänge. Bitte prüfen Sie, welche Anforderungen für Ihren gewünschten Studiengang gelten.

Dirigentin leitet ein kleines Ensemble
(Foto: Laura Brichta)

Digital preselection

Digital preselection

In some subjects there is a digital video preliminary round. You can find the requirements below.

Technical requirements

The following technical requirements apply to the digital video preliminary round.

  • Please do your best to achieve good sound and image quality. However, it is not necessary to produce a professional studio recording. You are free to choose your own recording equipment.
  • They must remain visible in the picture during the performance and be clearly identifiable. Within the works (individual movements in cyclical works such as sonatas or suites), no image or sound cuts are permitted. Video recordings that have already been produced on another occasion will also be accepted; recordings from different cameras are also permitted.
  • The recordings must not be older than 6 months.
  • Please upload your videos to a streaming platform of your choice (e.g. YouTube, Vimeo, Clouds, etc.). The videos must be accessible without a password and must be able to be streamed without downloading the file.
  • Please create one video file per work (e.g. a sonata, suite, aria). You can provide up to 6 links.

Technical requirements

Aptitude test

Aptitude test

The presence aptitude test consists of the following partial examinations:

  • Main subject
  • Compulsory subject music theory
  • Compulsory subject aural skills
  • compulsory instrumental subject

The examination takes place in two parts and can therefore extend over several days. In the first part, the main subject is examined; those who pass this part are admitted to the second part of the examination, which consists of the examinations in the compulsory subjects. We answer frequently asked questions about the aptitude test on our FAQ page.

Please note:

  • The performance in the aptitude test in subject area 1 must demonstrate a level of artistic talent that is likely to lead to professional aptitude
  • The examples given in the examination content are indications of the minimum level of difficulty
  • All works that require accompaniment must be accompanied by piano or harpsichord; the accompanist will be provided by the university; if the applicant provides the accompanist themselves, the university must be informed of this in good time

Requirements in the main subject

Hearing ability

In a written test lasting approximately 60 minutes, the applicant must demonstrate the ability to recognize elementary rhythmic, melodic, harmonic, tonal and formal relationships by listening (see sample test).

Mustertest Hörfähigkeit B

Für die Bachelorstudiengänge Künstlerische Ausbildung Musik (Instrumentalfächer), Gesang und Komposition.

Lösungen Mustertest Hörfähigkeit B

Für die Bachelorstudiengänge Künstlerische Ausbildung Musik (Instrumentalfächer), Gesang und Komposition.

Mustertest Hörfähigkeit A

Für die Bachelorstudiengänge Künstlerische Ausbildung Musik (Dirigieren) und Kirchenmusik.

Lösungen Mustertest Hörfähigkeit A

Für die Bachelorstudiengänge Künstlerische Ausbildung Musik (Dirigieren) und Kirchenmusik.

Music theory

The following tasks are to be completed in a written examination (duration approx. 90 minutes):

  • Determining and forming intervals and scales (including church scales)
  • Determining and forming chords and chord progressions
  • Arrangement of a given melody in two-, three- or four-part settings
  • Commenting on a given score excerpt, taking into account instrumentation, timbre, stylistic-historical classification, form, compositional technique, character

Mustertest Musiktheorie

Für die Bachelorstudiengänge Künstlerische Ausbildung Musik, Kirchenmusik, Komposition und Gesang.

Lösungen Mustertest Musiktheorie

Für die Bachelorstudiengänge Künstlerische Ausbildung Musik, Kirchenmusik, Komposition und Gesang.

Notenbeispiele Musiktheorie

Für die Bachelorstudiengänge Künstlerische Ausbildung Musik, Kirchenmusik, Komposition und Gesang.

Compulsory instrumental subject

  • In the compulsory subject piano (or alternatively harpsichord for viola da gamba and recorder), two pieces from different stylistic periods must be performed, e.g. inventions by Bach, sonatinas by Clementi op. 36.
  • If a melody instrument is chosen as a compulsory subject (possible for lute and harpsichord majors), two pieces from different stylistic periods must be performed.
  • If singing is chosen as a compulsory subject (possible for lute and harpsichord majors), a folk song and an art song must be performed.
  • The duration of the examination in the compulsory instrumental subject is approximately 10 minutes
  • In the orchestral conducting aptitude test, the piano examination is already part of the major subject examination
  • For guitarists and pianists, the piano/vocal/melodic instrument subsidiary examination is not required

Lesefassung: Eignungsprüfungsordnung der HfMDK Frankfurt

[Nicht-amtliche Lesefassung. Stand: 08.07.2024]

Klarinettistin, die zusammen mit einer Pianistin auf der Bühne des Kleinen Saals der HfMDK spielt.
(Foto: Laura Brichta)

Study and Examination regulations

Study and Examination regulations

The Study and Examination Regulations (SPO) set out the framework conditions and regulations for your studies. They apply together with the General Regulations (for Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes) or the SPoL (for teacher training degree programmes). All versions of the SPO for your degree programme (including earlier versions for students of previous academic years) can be found at Examinations.

Students who are currently studying for a BA or MA in Artistic Instrumental Training (KIA) can switch to the new study and examination regulations for the BA or MA KAM. Please contact the Examinations Office.

BA KAM Orchesterinstrumente: Lesefassung der Studien- und Prüfungsordnung

nicht-amtliche Lesefassung

BA KAM Klavier, Gitarre: Lesefassung der Studien- und Prüfungsordnung

nicht-amtliche Lesefassung

BA KAM Orgel: Lesefassung der Studien- und Prüfungsordnung

nicht-amtliche Lesefassung

BA KAM Historische Instrumente: Lesefassung der Studien- und Prüfungsordnung

nicht-amtliche Lesefassung

BA KAM Dirigieren: Lesefassung der Studien- und Prüfungsordnung

nicht-amtliche Lesefassung

Questions & Contact

Questions & Contact

Expert advice

Questions about the online application?