Concert exam
Course content
The Konzertexamen (Concert exam) is the highest postgraduate degree to be awarded to singers or instrumentalists at the HfMDK Frankfurt. The course of study can be completed after graduation with a diploma examination, a master's examination or an equivalent examination in the following subjects:
- Subject group A: Recorder, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, horn, trumpet, trombone, harp, percussion
- Group B: Singing
- Section C: Guitar, Lute
- Subject group D: Historical instruments (strings, winds and fortepiano)
- Section E: Strings (violin, viola, violoncello, double bass and string chamber music)
- Subject group F: Keyboard instruments (piano, harpsichord, organ and piano chamber music from duo (piano and at least one melody instrument))
The course of study consists primarily of individual lessons in the major subject.
Students of orchestral instruments may be called upon to participate in the university orchestra and chamber music as needed.
Facts and figures
»The concert exam is particularly suited to permanent chamber music ensembles, whose members have often already completed their soloist studies. Here, the lessons can be perfectly coordinated with concert activities that have already begun or competitions that are planned. This freedom in our work is a terrific support and valuable addition. We were able to profit not only from the musical quality of our mentor, Prof. Tim Vogler, but also from his vast wealth of experience as a quartet player with a world career spanning 35 years. Being at the beginning of our own quartet life, this component of "KE" is especially valuable for us «Michael Preuß, cellist of the Eliot Quartet
Dates and Deadlines
Concert Exam: Application deadline for winter semester 2025/2026
Aptitude tests for winter semester 2025/2026*
*You will receive details of your aptitude test dates with your invitation approx. 3 to 4 weeks before your aptitude test appointment.
Completion of a course of study by means of a diploma examination, a master's examination or an equivalent examination with the same main subject.
Successful two-stage admission examination in the form of a preliminary examination and a main examination; those who pass the preliminary examination are admitted to the main examination.
The preliminary examination is not required if an examination board of the HfMDK has granted admission to the main examination within the framework of a diploma examination or master's examination at the applicant's request.
What do I need for the application?
Proof of German language skills
Here you will find a list of required German language skills for all degree programs. Please check which of these requirements apply to your degree program.
Digital preselection
In some subjects there is a digital video preliminary round in the qualifying examination. Below you will first find the requirements in the digital preliminary round for the instruments concerned and, under the individual subject groups below, the instrument-specific requirements for the presence aptitude test.
Technical requirements for all instruments concerned
Please make every effort to produce good sound and image quality within your means. However, it is not necessary to produce a professional studio recording. You are free in your choice of recording equipment.
They must remain visible in the picture during the performance and be clearly identifiable. Within the works (single movements in the case of cyclical works such as sonatas or suites), no image or sound recordings are permitted. Video recordings that have already been produced on another occasion are also accepted; settings from different cameras are also permitted.
Recordings must not be older than 6 months.
Please upload your videos to a streaming platform of your choice (e.g. YouTube, Vimeo, Clouds, etc.). The videos must be accessible without a password and streamable without downloading the file.
Please create one video file per work (e.g. a sonata, suite, aria). You can provide up to 6 links.
Requirements for your major
Aptitude test
When registering for the examination, the applicant submits an appropriate program for the respective instrument according to the specifications below, which are differentiated by subject group. If the prepared program does not comply with the specifications below, participation in the qualifying examination is not possible. In the case of a repetition of the qualifying examination, works that have already been performed in the first examination may not be stated again.
Programs for the aptitude tests
Examination procedure and duration
Preliminary examination
The duration of the pure performance time in the preliminary examination is for instruments of the subject group
A: 20 minutes
B: 15 minutes
C: 20 minutes
D: 15 minutes
E: 10 minutes
F: 15 minutes
For the preliminary examination, the examination board selects a performance sequence of works and/or parts of works at the beginning of and during the examination from the program submitted with the application for admission.
Main examination
The main examination is only held if the preliminary examination is passed. The duration of the pure performance time in the main examination is 20 minutes in each case. For the main examination, the examination board selects a sequence of works and/or parts of works from the program submitted with the application for admission. The examination board may allow a change of the works indicated by the candidate for objective reasons until the beginning of the examination.
Lesefassung: Eignungsprüfungsordnung der HfMDK Frankfurt
[Nicht-amtliche Lesefassung. Stand: 08.07.2024]
Study and Examination regulations
The Study and Examination Regulations (SPO) set out the framework conditions and regulations for your studies. They apply together with the General Regulations (for Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes) or the SPoL (for teacher training degree programmes). All versions of the SPO for your degree programme (including earlier versions for students of previous academic years) can be found at Examinations.
Studien- und Prüfungsordnung des Konzertexamens (2016)
[10. Mai 2016]