International Ensemble Modern Academy - Contemporary Music Performance
Course content
The IEMA Master at a glance
- One-year Master's program with approximately 14 work phases (beginning in the winter semester) with members of the Ensemble Modern as lecturers, renowned guest conductors and composers, as well as professors of the HfMDK
- Development of solo works, chamber music and conducted repertoire, ranging from classical modernism to staged productions and world premiere projects
- Presentation of the developed works in approx. 30 concerts at home and abroad
- Deepening of theoretical approaches as well as knowledge in the field of music education
The one-year Master's program IEMA CoMP is a specialization program for already trained instrumentalists, conductors, composers and sound directors, i.e. it explicitly builds on a first professionally qualifying university degree in the fields of instrumental playing, conducting, composition, sound engineer/sound direction (or a comparable university degree). Above all, the respective technical ability and artistic understanding are necessary foundations for the training that follows here in the context of an ensemble for contemporary music.
Learning and working in a professional environment
The central feature of this course of studies is the settlement in the professional field through specific projects in the national and international professional context. This is achieved, among other things, through the proximity to one of the world's leading ensembles for New Music: the HfDMK conducts this course of study in close cooperation with the Frankfurt-based Ensemble Modern. This cooperation enables students to learn and work in a directly professional environment and to experience specific professional fields - in this case, that of an independent ensemble operating on the market, that of the freelance artist, the need to develop a clear profile in order to position oneself on the free market, and working in international and interdisciplinary contexts.
The central goal of the program is the training of artists specialized in the field of contemporary music in the disciplines of instrumental playing, conducting, composition and sound direction in the context of an ensemble structure, as this represents a central possibility of a professional field. The direct connection to the professional field takes place through the realization of projects in already professional contexts.
Accordingly, the goal of the training is to approach the ideal of a comprehensively and versatilely qualified artist, also beyond the professional profile specifically named here.
Dates & Deadlines
MA IEMA CoMP: Aptitude tests for the winter semester 2024/25 (Instrumental playing and conducting - live audition)
MA IEMA CoMP: Aptitude tests for the winter semester 2024/25 (Composition and sound direction - digital audition)
MA IEMA CoMP: Application deadline for the winter semester 2025/2026
WiSe = winter semester // SoSe = summer semester
Admission to the master's program requires a completed university degree at a university of music or a comparable university in Germany or abroad with an instrumental major (bachelor's degree, diploma, church music exam or state exam for the music teaching profession) or a comparable degree.
Sufficient knowledge of English or German is required for admission to this master's program. If English or German are not native languages, proof must be provided by one of the following language certificates no later than the time of enrollment:
German language proficiency:
a) TestDaF level 3 or
b) Certificate B1 (CEFR) or
c) DSH examination, level I or
d) German language diploma of the KMK, 1st level.
English language skills:
a) Certificate B1
b) IELTS exam 3.5-4.5
c) Cambridge exam: PET
- Listening 275-399
- Reading 275-384
- Speaking 120-159
- Writing 120-149
e) TOEFL iBT: 57
All students are strongly advised to acquire at least a basic knowledge of German, since information material, e-mails and similar texts are predominantly written in German.
Announcement IEMA CoMP for the winter semester 2025/26
What do I need for the application?
Nachweis von Sprachkenntnissen
Hier finden Sie eine Liste der Nachweise deutscher Sprachkenntnisse für alle Studiengänge. Bitte prüfen Sie, welche Anforderungen für Ihren gewünschten Studiengang gelten.
Aptitude test
Online application
Required documents:
- Application form (on the application platform Academy Five)
- curriculum vitae in table form with photo (pdf)
- Copies of school-leaving certificate, Bachelor's and possibly Master's degree certificate (in case of foreign certificates, a translation in German or English must be enclosed) (pdf)
- Proof of language skills (pdf)
- a video statement on motivation in German or English, no shorter than 1 minute and no longer than 3 minutes. It is provided as a link on the platform. The following information is to be provided in the statement:
- Please state your full name, the instrument you play or the discipline for which you are applying
- What is your basic interest in the field of contemporary music?
- Why do you specifically want to participate in the IEMA Master's program?
- See below for additional videos/pdf documents.
Only those who pass the first round will be invited to the second round in the form of personal auditions/presentations.
Depending on the chosen focus, the following specific exam content and regulations apply:
Lesefassung: Eignungsprüfungsordnung der HfMDK Frankfurt
[Nicht-amtliche Lesefassung. Stand: 08.07.2024]
Study and Examination regulations
The Study and Examination Regulations (SPO) set out the framework conditions and regulations for your studies. They apply together with the General Regulations (for Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes) or the SPoL (for teacher training degree programmes). All versions of the SPO for your degree programme (including earlier versions for students of previous academic years) can be found at Examinations.
Lesefassung: Allgemeine Bestimmungen für Bachelor- und Masterstudiengänge der HfMDK Frankfurt
Stand: 27.05.2019
Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für den Masterstudiengang Internationale Ensemble Modern Akademie - Contemporary Music Performance (MA IEMA CoMP) (2021)
[99/2021, 12.04.2021]