Hallo ich!

Strengthen personality: Workshops for students

Bunte gezeichnete Illustration eines Menschenkopfs, in dem verschiedene Blumen wachsen, die Gedanken und Persönlichkeitsmerkmale symbolisieren.
(Foto: Jan Buchczik)


The first date for the Hallo ich! - Personal Development workshop in the summer semester 2025 is April 4 and 5, 2025

Practiced a thousand times, everything prepared - but then stage fright and self-doubt? Best friends in the ensemble - suddenly stress because things aren't progressing, differences of opinion, bad mood?

Music, dance, theater, teaching at school, an academic career: it's all about expertise and professional competence. But everyday life also requires self-confidence, strong nerves, stamina and resilience, an understanding of one's own needs and possibilities, of relationship levels and networking.

Psychological knowledge and appropriate techniques help to deal with challenging situations more confidently. The HfMDK is launching a new workshop program for students. So that you can learn more about yourself and about others.

The workshops will be led by Dr. Frank Baschab and Christine Blome.

Participation for students of all disciplines

New dates for the summer semester 2025

Please keep two full days (Friday/Saturday) from 9 am to 5 pm free for each workshop. You will get more out of it if you attend the parts one after the other.

  1. Workshop: April 4 and 5, 2025
  2. Workshop: June 6 and 7, 2025

From the winter semester 2024/25, all participants will be offered individual coaching sessions following the workshop.

Please take advantage of this great offer!

Too little time? It is also possible to attend only individual workshop parts.

  • All courses take place in person. The stated course times include breaks.
  • The workshops are open to all HfMDK students and are held in German.
  • Participation can be credited as academic achievement. If your study regulations include an elective subject, you can achieve 1 elective CP if you
    • either take part in two workshops,
    • or take part in one workshop and write a small assignment. (The topics for the assignments will be presented at the end of each workshop)

Please register bindingly via the online form approx. 14 days before the start of the workshop.


Du kannst dich für mehrere Workshops gleichzeitig anmelden.
Hinweis: Die Anmeldung ist nur für Studierende der HfMDK Frankfurt möglich.

Contact us

If you have any questions, simply send an email to: hallo.ich@orga.hfmdk-frankfurt.de

Funding information

The workshop series "Hallo ich!" is kindly supported by the Stiftung Polytechnische Gesellschaft Frankfurt am Main.