KunstPAKT Project Funding

KunstPAKT is a project support fund for interdisciplinary student projects at the HfMDK Frankfurt. Thus, KunstPAKT offers the opportunity to realize projects on one's own initiative in interdisciplinary teamwork within the framework of one's studies.

»Thanks to the support of KunstPAKT we were able to create our first full-length program, which was highly interdisciplinary (dancers, actors, singers, musicians, and creative artists from Goethe University were also part of it!) This has given us the necessary momentum to continue our collective after graduation from the HfMDK and now we are trying to gain a foothold in the independent scene!«Backstein Kollektiv (Julie Grutzka, soprano; Hendrik Hebben, dancer; Moritz Fabian, dancer/ theater studies and sociology student)

What does KunstPAKT offer?

  • a financial support for student interdisciplinary projects of up to 4.000€ (students of the HfMDK Frankfurt cannot pay themselves fees)
  • financial support for student interdisciplinary research projects of up to 2.500€
  • dramaturgical and organizational consulting for the conception and realization of student-initiated interdisciplinary projects
  • the use of the rooms and technical infrastructure of the HfMDK Frankfurt

What does an application for KunstPAKT look like?

For the application is needed:

  • the completed application form (information about the applicant, the team involved, the project period, the presentation form and the presentation location, as well as the name of a mentor)
  • a project concept (2-3 pages), which describes the idea and implementation of the project
  • a detailed cost plan

Friederike Thielmann advises and accompanies the application process. It is strongly recommended to contact her in time before applying: friederike.thielmann@hfmdk-frankfurt.de


KunstPAKT: Guidelines and information on the application

Detailed info on: concept paper, interdisciplinarity, extracurricularity, research projects and other third-party funding (multiple funding). Status: June 2023.

Who can apply?

All students enrolled at the HfMDK Frankfurt.

With which projects can I apply?

You can apply with student projects in which at least two students of the HfMDK Frankfurt are involved.

The projects should have an interdisciplinary character in approach, working method and form of presentation.

A co-creative concept development and working method are explicitly desired in the context of interdisciplinary project work.

The projects can be presented in different forms such as scenic and concert stage works, installations, films, actions, ect.

Projects should be extracurricular. The application of curricular projects, e.g. own work in elective subjects or final theses, is possible if no funding can be provided by the respective department; however, the projects should be independently conceived and realized by the students.

When can you apply?

Application deadline

Application deadline
  • Applications are generally possible twice a year: at the end of the winter semester for the following summer semester and at the end of the summer semester for the following winter semester
  • The presentation of the projects should be planned and carried out within the winter or summer semester following the application.

Next deadline


Application deadline for KunstPAKT funding in the summer semester 2025

subject to change



Application form: KunstPAKT project funding

Updated: 12.01.2025

Cost plan: KunstPAKT projects (Excel)

Who decides on the KunstPAKT applications?

The KunstPAKT applications are discussed in detail by a jury according to the criteria of interdisciplinarity, students' own work, and feasibility; as a rule, three to five projects are selected each semester.

The jury

What happens after the approval?

The applicants of all approved applications are individually supported in organizational, financial and contractual matters.

The mentor also accompanies the rehearsals and performances in questions of content and aesthetics and is available as a contact person.

Questions & Contact

Questions & Contact