Leave of absence

Here you will find important information about taking a leave of absence during your studies. Please read this information carefully before filling out the application for leave of absence in CampusWEB.

You must apply for and submit a leave of absence through CampusWEB by the deadline. You will need written confirmation from your major instructor, for example, via email - please speak with your major instructor in a timely manner. Then upload this confirmation in PDF or .jpg format to CampusWEB. Other required supporting documents must also be attached and uploaded in the above format.

Of course, we will keep all of your information strictly confidential.

Where can I find the application?

You can find the application in CampusWEB under "My studies / My applications".
Click on "Fill out" to the right of the application.
After you have entered all the necessary information, click on "Save & Submit".

Upcoming deadlines


Deadline for leave of absence applications for the winter semester 2024/2025

subject to change

Frequently asked questions

Who can take a leave of absence?

Reasons for a leave of absence are regulated by the Hessian Enrollment Regulation in §8.

  1. Illness that precludes proper study (the nature and expected duration of the illness must be proven by a current medical certificate or attestation),
  2. For completion of a study-related internship period (please attach proof),
  3. Study-related stay abroad. (Proof e.g. exchange program, host university abroad),
  4. Maternity leave or parental leave. (Proof of current medical certificate or birth certificate), care of dependents in need of care (please attach medical certificate),
  5. Membership of a national squad (A, B, C or D/C squad) of a top professional association in the German Olympic Sports Confederation,
  6. Participation as an appointed or elected representative in the academic or student self-government (attach certificate of membership and time spent).
  7. The HfMDK also allows you to take a leave of absence in order to prepare for or take a final examination (proof of registration for the examination must be submitted)

Please note that a leave of absence in the first semester is only possible in exceptional cases, especially for reasons 1, 4 and 5 above.

When to apply for leave of absence?

Students can take a leave of absence from their studies for an important reason within the re-registration period. After the beginning of the semester, a leave of absence is usually not granted. Exceptions are leaves of absence due to illness and maternity leave. A retroactive leave of absence for a completed semester is excluded.

Please submit your application for leave of absence as soon as you have made the decision. If you are still missing documents (medical certificate, internship contract, etc.), you can send them to us by email as soon as you receive them. An application submitted early will simplify our semester planning. Only the approval of the main subject teacher must be available for submitting the application so that you can send it online.

Study and examination achievements during the semester of leave?

A leave of absence precludes the acquisition of credit or the taking of examinations. A repetition of failed examinations during the leave of absence is possible. Furthermore, students who are on leave of absence for the above-mentioned reasons 4 to 6 have the opportunity to participate in courses and to complete coursework and examinations despite their leave of absence. We will be happy to advise you on this as well.

Do I still have to deregister from exams or does this happen automatically?

By approving the application for leave of absence, you are not deregistered from examinations for which you had already registered in the semester in which you are on leave of absence. Please contact the examination office immediately: pruefungsamt@orga.hfmdk-frankfurt.de

Do I have to pay the semester fee?

Yes, while on leave of absence, students retain student status and must pay the full semester tuition.

Do semesters off count as semesters of study?

Semesters off do not count as subject semesters.

How many semesters of leave are possible?

A leave of absence is allowed for no more than 6 semesters (except for illness).


If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Student Affairs in a timely manner: Studierendensekretariat@orga.hfmdk-frankfurt.de