Student assistants

Job offers

Job offers

Job offers

Information document

Information document

The information document for the employment of student assistants at the HfMDK Frankfurt contains information on the following topics:

  • Legal basis for the employment of student assistants
  • Requirements for employment
  • Changes in personal circumstances
  • Employment contract
  • Working hours
  • Breaks
  • Documentation of working time
  • Residence permit
  • Termination of employment
  • Absence from work
  • Sickness/continuation of pay
  • Multiple employment
  • Vacation
  • Remuneration
  • Report card
  • Contact persons in the Personnel Service & Organization department

Merkblatt studentische Hilfskräfte

Stand: Juni 2024



Department heads and management request the issuance of an Auxiliary Contract using the form below:

Beauftragungsformular Hilfskraftvertrag

Stand: Juni 2024

Questions and Contact