Women's and Equal Opportunities Officers

We Women's and Equal Opportunities Officers are there for you if you are looking for confidential advice or assistance in matters of gender-specific discrimination, sexualized violence or abuse of power. We are also your contacts for all questions relating to equal opportunities for men and women and the compatibility of studies and family or career and family - for questions about childcare, support during pregnancy, parental leave, etc.

Do you feel disadvantaged or discriminated against in any way because of your gender? We have an open ear for you and are happy to help.

We five Women's and Equal Opportunities Officers are equally available to all - students, lecturers and employees of the university - regardless of departmental affiliation.

Open consultation hours are held several times a week during the lecture period in consultation room C 202, which you can attend without prior registration. You also have the option of making individual appointments at any time by contacting directly.
You can find more information about the open consultation hours on the page Counseling and help at a glance.

Contact us at


Questions & Contact

Questions & Contact

Central representative

Representatives of the departments

Gender-sensitive language at Hessian universities under threat

Gender-sensitive language at Hessian universities under threat

The key points paper of the future governing coalition announces a ban on gender-sensitive language using special characters at Hessian institutions (universities, schools, radio). This would mean that a large proportion of students, teaching staff and employees at the HfMDK would experience discrimination.

We Women's and Gender Equality Officers are firmly opposed to this planned language censorship.

We recommend the text "Verfassungswidrige Sprachverbote" by Prof. Dr. Ulrike Lempke on the history and (legal) background of gender-sensitive language.




Vier Kinder sitzen mit dem Rücken zum Betrachter und hören zwei Musikern zu.
(Foto: Laura Brichta)


From toddler groups to daycare centers: the Studentenwerk Frankfurt am Main offers various childcare options that are open to all HfMDK students, teaching staff and employees

Zu sehen ist das bunte Plakat zur Veranstaltung "Macht und Missbrauch im Klassikbetrieb".
(Foto: Magdalena Böhning)


Where does abuse of power begin? Where do the structures in the music industry and music distribution come from that make abuses invisible and unspeakable? How can boundaries be set in good time? Where can I turn if I myself become a victim or witness of abuse of power?

The lecture, followed by discussion groups, uses case studies and best practice models to provide an opportunity to address the abuse of power in music and culture-related fields of work. It provides an introduction to the topic of power/abuse and raises awareness of structures and established narratives in practice and training.

The combination of lecture and discussion will provide vocabulary and best practice examples to support further education, prevention and mediation work.

3. November 2021, 18.00 via Zoom