Young Academy



The Young Academy is the HfMDK's young talent program for highly talented musicians aged 14 and older - this is about you: your talent, your enthusiasm for music. We look forward to getting to know you!

Welcome to your future

During your studies, you will receive individual lessons from day one with experienced, renowned professors. You will become part of their class and experience community - learning in exchange with others.

You can choose any instrument taught at the HfMDK, including voice: The Young Academy is firmly integrated into everyday university life.

Application information for the young students program

Time for knowledge, concerts and competitions, time for you

In addition to your individual lessons, many other subjects await you, music theory and ear training, for example, correpetition, chamber music and new music. We also organize regular workshops that show you, among other things, how to reach your audience from a stage and what mental training can do for you, in which you learn about improvisation and we offer you performance coaching.

One of our goals is to organize your studies in such a way that there is still time for family, friends and school (more about this in the FAQ): At the Young Academy, we care about what's important to you. Will there still be enough time for concerts and competitions? Absolutely!

Would you like to learn more about the prerequisites, the scope and the requirements of the aptitude tests for the Young Academy? Then please contact Isabel von Bernstorff for further information.






Our next concerts

Young Academy in Concert

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Programm des Konzerts

Semesterabschluss der Young Academy am 2.3.2022


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