Probespielerfolg für Bruna Cornudella bei European Union Youth Orchestra
Viola-Studentin Bruna Cornudella (Klasse Anna Krimm) hat nach einem erfolgreichen Probespiel ihre Mitgliedschaft für das European Union Youth Orchestra (EUYO) 2024 erneuert. An der HfMDK studiert sie den Bachelor-Studiengang Künstlerische Instrumentalausbildung mit Hauptfach Viola.
»The European Union Youth Orchestra is one of the world’s pre-eminent symphony orchestras. Described by the UK Guardian as having “gripping, exhilaratingly good orchestral playing, surging with energy, laser-sharp focus and collective daring… [and] a technical prowess that is downright terrifying”; by the New York Times as “one of the elite organizations of its kind”; and by former EU commission President Jean-Claude Juncker as “the best possible ambassador for the European Union”.«Offizielle Website des EUYO