Dr. Jia JiaLehrauftragEnsembleunterricht (Master) / KorrepetitionFB3 Darstellende KunstM+49(0)17664360972save contact(Foto: 2020)See more?Dr. Jia Jia creates and updates this profile personally - and is consequently responsible for texts, media, external links and all other content.Okay, agreeDr. Jia JiaLehrauftragEnsembleunterricht (Master) / KorrepetitionFB3 Darstellende KunstM+49(0)17664360972save contact(Foto: 2020)
Dr. Jia JiaLehrauftragEnsembleunterricht (Master) / KorrepetitionFB3 Darstellende KunstM+49(0)17664360972save contact(Foto: 2020)See more?Dr. Jia Jia creates and updates this profile personally - and is consequently responsible for texts, media, external links and all other content.Okay, agree
Dr. Jia JiaLehrauftragEnsembleunterricht (Master) / KorrepetitionFB3 Darstellende KunstM+49(0)17664360972save contact(Foto: 2020)