Master: Instrumental Studies (Focus: Teaching)
Course content
The aim of the master's degree program is to provide students with the competencies that enable them to independently practice the profession of an instrumental pedagogue - freelance or at a music school, vocational school or academy.
The study program is either in an artistic-pedagogical or in a pedagogical-scientific profile. The choice of profile is made after the second semester.
Performing arts and didactics
In addition, the program is designed to qualify students for a position in instrumental didactics and methodology at an academy or university. Further artistic and technical development on the respective main subject instrument, a comprehensive overview of learning fields and teaching methods as well as competencies in scientific thinking and working are indispensable skills that are demanded and promoted in the study program.
Studienverlaufsplan künstlerisch-pädagogisches Profil
Studienverlaufsplan pädagogisch-wissenschaftliches Profil
Modulbeschreibungen Master Instrumentalpädagogik (2014)
Dates and Deadlines
MA Instrumental Studies (Focus: Teaching): Application deadline for winter semester 2025/2026
*You will receive details of your aptitude test dates with your invitation approx. 3 to 4 weeks before your aptitude test appointment.
Admission to the master's program requires proof of a first professional university degree in the respective instrumental major subject, sufficient knowledge of the German language and a passed aptitude test.
What do I need for the application?
Proof of German language skills
Here you will find a list of required German language skills for all degree programs. Please check which of these requirements apply to your degree program.
Aptitude test
The qualifying examination consists of a practical examination in the respective instrumental main subject, a teaching sample and a colloquium.
There is a digital preliminary round in the main subjects of piano, conducting, viola, violin, violoncello, flute and percussion.
Lesefassung: Eignungsprüfungsordnung der HfMDK Frankfurt
[Nicht-amtliche Lesefassung. Stand: 08.07.2024]
Study and Examination regulations
The Study and Examination Regulations (SPO) set out the framework conditions and regulations for your studies. They apply together with the General Regulations (for Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes) or the SPoL (for teacher training degree programmes). All versions of the SPO for your degree programme (including earlier versions for students of previous academic years) can be found at Examinations.
Lesefassung: Allgemeine Bestimmungen für Bachelor- und Masterstudiengänge der HfMDK Frankfurt
Stand: 27.05.2019
Lesefassung: Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für den Masterstudiengang Instrumentalpädagogik
nicht-amtliche Lesefassung. Stand: 13.06.2022