
Schauspielerin vor Schattenwand in tänzerischer Bewegung.
(Foto: (c) Marvin Fuchs)



Acting, reacting, embodying a role, playing passionately – all this is still part of acting training today. But contemporary theatre can do more, and also demands more: actors and actresses are increasingly asked to involve themselves artistically in the entire process of a production. At the HfMDK we (also) prepare you for this.

Course of studies and application information

Practice on stage, in front of the camera, at the microphone

In the Diploma Programme in Acting at the HfMDK you will gain experience at renowned theatres, learn in front of the camera and at the microphone. Within the framework of our numerous cooperations, we work closely with the Hessian Theatre Academy (HTA) and the Hessian Film and Media Academy (HFMA), with the Hessian Broadcasting Corporation, the Media Arts & Sciences department of the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences and, most centrally, with the Schauspiel Frankfurt – for the Studio Year Acting.

For you, practice in your studies means at the same time: finding freedom and experimenting. You will develop your own scenic ideas and projects, experience yourself anew - and benefit from the interdisciplinary teaching units with students from the theatre directing department and the excellence workshops that we, as the acting department, are able to organise thanks to the support of the Gesellschaft der Freunde und Förderer (GFF) of the university.

Classical formats, contemporary formats

In terms of methodology, we focus on training your acting expression individually. We are never concerned with conforming to fixed standards and norms, but rather with your imagination. We teach you contemporary and classical approaches, integrate knowledge from movement theory and vocal techniques, and rely on team teaching. The course is led by Prof. Marion Tiedtke and Prof. Martin Nachbar.

Questions about the application?

Teaching staff

Teaching staff

Teaching staff

Students and alumni

Students and alumni

Students and alumni




Upcoming events

Zwei Personen fahren auf einem Motorrad in eine Tankstelle und werden dabei gefilmt.
(Foto: Tobias Lenel)


Our acting students in front of the camera and at the microphone.
