
Evaluation is an important instrument for ensuring and developing the quality of studies and teaching and looks at teaching as a whole. Teaching evaluations provide lecturers with feedback on students' impressions of their courses, or students are asked about their experiences during their studies - e.g. the degree programs and their structures.

Evaluation as a basis for dialog and development

The information obtained can be used to reflect on one's own teaching behavior or to further develop studies and degree programs. Specific target groups such as alumni or topics such as the digital semester can also become the focus of evaluations and their results can be used to reflect on institutional issues.

Evaluation results offer a good opportunity to enter into a dialog with students and staff - this can help to ensure and, if necessary, improve the quality of your own courses and teaching as a whole.

Regular deadlines

The registration deadline for evaluations is always before the start of the respective semester:

  • Deadline for evaluations in the summer semester: March 1
  • Deadline for evaluations in the winter semester: August 1




The evaluation at the HfMDK Frankfurt pursues the following goals:

  • Promote communication about teaching and study structures
  • Increase awareness of teaching issues and study structures
  • Strengthen strengths and counteract weaknesses
  • To compare external and self-assessments
  • targeted promotion of positive (learning) effects
  • Support the further development of teaching and institutional framework conditions

In addition, the evaluation serves to identify development potential and to design and implement measures to ensure and promote quality.

Evaluationssatzung der Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt (2022)

[117/2022, 17.10.2022]

Evaluation procedure

Evaluation procedure

The following evaluation methods are currently used at the HfMDK Frankfurt:

  • Course evaluation with questionnaires and TAP
  • formative course evaluations
  • individual procedures that can be developed and carried out in consultation with the staff of the Evaluation Office
  • Surveys on specific topics such as the digital semester or the Bologna Process
  • Surveys of specific target groups (e.g. alumni, first-year students, teaching staff, administration)

Evaluations at the HfMDK Frankfurt are carried out strictly in accordance with the DeGEval guidelines and in compliance with current data protection regulations.

Informationen zur Lehrveranstaltungsevaluation

Das Infoblatt bietet einen Überblick über die Idee und Durchführung von Lehrveranstaltungsevaluationen an der HfMDK.

For further information and specific implementation, please contact the staff at the Evaluation Office. In addition, you will find further valuable tips for obtaining feedback for your course under the following link: Methods kit (University of Duisburg-Essen)




Evaluationsbericht Prozesse und Ergebnisse für den Zeitraum WiSe 2021/2022 bis WiSe 2023/2024

Bericht zu den Evaluationstätigkeiten der Stabsstelle Evaluation – Wintersemester 21/22 bis Wintersemester 23/34

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