Study KAM: Fact sheet on orchestra allocation and substitutes

The orchestra regulations apply.

Please note the e-mails and announcements from the orchestra office.

This information sheet sets out some additional regulations.

If orchestra is a compulsory subject in your curriculum, you will be assigned to orchestra projects by the teacher responsible for your main subject if possible. However, the orchestra projects are planned on a long-term basis. Due to the instrumentation requirements of the orchestral literature, it may be the case that individual students cannot be assigned to orchestral projects even though they are required to play in the orchestra.

  • How can students still receive their orchestral training as a substitute?
  • How can they provide proof of performance and thus obtain the necessary credit points?

There are several options for this:

  1. On request or according to announcements, other ensemble trainings at the HfMDK can be recognized as a substitute: Free ensemble or orchestra projects at the HfMDK (for example as part of the conducting studio, "Dirigieratelier"), as well as big band projects or participation in the HIP (early music) orchestra. Please contact the orchestra office in advance if the project is not explicitly marked as a compensation option for orchestra members. Alternatively, the projects described can also be credited via the subjects chamber music or orchestra in the elective area.
  2. For wind class students, "wind serenades" with repertoire from the 18th-20th century are offered via the wind chamber music department and in cooperation with the conducting classes. If you are interested, please contact Prof. Jaan Bossier( Such projects can be credited in the compulsory area if students are unable to earn their CPs in the university orchestra in a semester. Compensations also apply retrospectively, so you can also complete the missing coursework in a later semester. Alternatively, projects in this area can also be credited via the subject Chamber Music or, if applicable, Ensemble New Music in the elective area.
  3. The Ensemble Neue Musik announces projects every semester for which you can register. Interested parties should note the announcements or contact Prof. Lucas Fels ( The program planning group tries to fulfill all requests for participation. If you would like to participate in the ensemble because participation in the HfMDK Symphony Orchestra is not possible, please contact us immediately after publication of the orchestra schedule. Compensations for missing compulsory CPs in the orchestra section do apply retrospectively, so you can also complete the missing coursework in a later semester. Projects of the Ensemble Neue Musik can also be credited via the subject Ensemble Neue Musik in the elective area.
  4. You can also submit external orchestral projects as substitute credits if you have not been assigned to projects of the HfMDK Symphony Orchestra. In this case, please submit to the orchestra office an informal list of the services provided (individual preparation, rehearsals, concerts), stating the amount of work involved, as well as proof of participation (program booklet, contract, confirmation of engagement or similar). As a rule, only performances in a professional context are recognized. 1 CP corresponds to a workload of approx. 30 hours. Compensations also apply retrospectively, i.e. you can also complete the missing coursework in the compulsory subject of orchestra in a later semester. Alternatively, external orchestra projects can also be credited via the subject External Professional Practice, Work Placement in the elective area.
  5. In certain cases, ensembles can be put together to rehearse and work on orchestral works as chamber music ensembles. The offers are designed and advertised in the relevant training areas. Alternatively, the projects described can also be credited via the subjects chamber music or orchestra in the elective area.

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