500.000 euros for HfMDK students - the funding year 2024

Die Tanz-Studierenden der HfMDK profitieren von der Förderung durch den Tanzpreis der Alix Steilberger Kultur-Stiftung, den Spitzenschuh-Fonds der Heinmüller Stiftung und den „Physio Healthcare Fonds“ der Stiftung AkzepTanz.(Foto: Hansjörg Rindsberg)

With around 500,000 euros in donations, the Society of Friends and Patrons of the HfMDK (GFF) awarded a large number of scholarships, prizes and grants to young artists at the HfMDK in 2024. It is a great success for the GFF that the amount of funding could be maintained at a similarly high level as in the previous year. This support is more than just financial aid - it is a strong signal of appreciation for the art and creative potential of the students.

The following scholarships and projects in particular made the 2024 donations possible.


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(Foto: Marvin Fuchs)

The Deutschlandstipendium - support for excellent students

The Deutschlandstipendium gives talented students the opportunity to concentrate fully on their artistic education without having to worry about financial burdens. In 2024, the HfMDK was able to award a total of 99 scholarships - a new record! 73 scholarships were funded by the federal government, while the GFF took over the matching for a further 26 scholarships. With a total funding amount of 200,250 euros, this project is one of the GFF's largest and most important initiatives.

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Das Deutschlandstipendium unterstützt besonders leistungsstarke Studierende.(Foto: Marvin Fuchs)

The Ensemble Scholarship - promoting chamber music

Another outstanding funding project is the Ensemble Scholarship, which supports chamber music ensembles that are already playing at an advanced level. With an annual grant of 20,000 euros, this scholarship enables the ensembles to concentrate fully on preparing for their transition from studies to professional life. It is a significant contribution to ensuring that the young musicians not only complete their artistic training, but also master the entry into a professional career as a trio or quartet.

(Foto: Laura Brichta)

Listening in advance - a cooperation with the Holzhausenschlösschen

In addition to the traditional scholarships, the GFF also finances unusual formats at the university: a particular example of this is the concert series "Voraushören", which takes place in cooperation with the Holzhausenschlösschen and is sponsored by the Rotary Club Frankfurt am Main/Römer. Here, students have the opportunity to present their works in an exclusive setting and inspire the audience with extraordinary programs. The series ensures that the students not only shine on stage, but also continue to develop in dialog with the audience.

Funding for the drama department - Schauspielschultreffen and excellence workshops

The drama department at the HfMDK also benefited from the support of the GFF in 2024: one outstanding event was the drama school meeting (Schauspielschultreffen), where around 180 drama students and 350 guests from Germany, Austria and Switzerland came together to present their productions and network with each other. This exchange not only provided a platform for the young talents, but also a valuable opportunity to discuss their own training and receive feedback.

The acting workshops financed by the GFF were also particularly successful: The excellence workshop with the renowned actress Susanne Wolf and the backstage workshop with Valery Tscheplanowa, sponsored by Walter H. Krämer, gave students valuable tips for their transition into a professional acting career.

Viele Schauspielstudierende unterhalten sich in kleinen Gruppen auf dem Vorplatz des Bockenheimer Depots.
Beim Schauspielschultreffen der HfMDK kamen rund 350 Gäste zusammen.(Foto: Wolf Silveri)

Thanks to the GFF - for a strong future for the arts

Thanks to their generous support, the friends and sponsors of the university make a decisive contribution to ensuring that young artists at the HfMDK can not only complete their creative training, but also make a successful start to their professional future.

We would like to thank all donors for their commitment and their great solidarity!

Eine von der GFF geförderte Theaterexkursion.(Foto: Andreas Etter)

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