Study KAM: Fact sheet Interdisciplinary Project

  • Bachelor KAM, elective catalog
  • Master KAM, elective catalog

Preliminary remarks

The HfMDK promotes interdisciplinarity. The wide range of courses and subjects from the most diverse areas of music, drama and dance invite students to look beyond the boundaries of their subjects and work together on joint projects.

With the elective subject Interdisciplinary Project, the study regulations provide for a vessel that opens up far-reaching creative possibilities for the students. The participating students get together independently, come up with the project, find their own artistic partners and, if necessary, a cooperating institution. They independently apply for coaching, draw up a schedule and a budget and, if necessary, apply for funding. The elective is deliberately designed to be very flexible. This means that smaller projects can be implemented just as easily as large projects, which may even run for two semesters.

Collaborations between at least two participants are classified as interdisciplinary if they combine different art disciplines or different content spectrums from different degree programs. For students on the KAM (Artistic Music Studies) degree programs, this could be, for example, internal university collaborations with

  • Dance
  • Acting, directing
  • Composition
  • Jazz/big band
  • scientific subjects
  • Projects between artistic and artistic-educational fields
  • Projects between modern and practical performance areas

or projects with external cooperations, for example from the fields of

  • Literature
  • Video, performance
  • Sciences, e.g. social sciences, aesthetics, psychology, physiology etc.


Students can seek advice from the Directorate of Education (Prof. Florian Hölscher, and Prof. Hansjacob Staemmler, Students should have held preliminary discussions with the relevant specialist colleagues at the institution and with possible cooperation partners.

When must an application be submitted?

If projects are to be supervised by internal or external lecturers and/or larger room capacities are required, the application must be submitted no later than the 5th week of the preceding semester, i.e. mid-May for the winter semester and mid-November for the summer semester.

Projects for which no additional capacity is required can be applied for at the end of the previous semester.

What must an application contain?

Please submit the following documents to the KAM directors (Prof. Florian Hölscher, and Prof. Hansjacob Staemmler,

  • A meaningful description of the content and organization of the project or plan, including a schedule and a list of the expected workload. The workload also includes writing the application documents and the final report. Length approx. 2 to 5 DIN A4 pages.
  • List of project participants
  • Budget plan
  • (If relevant) Description of how the necessary funds will be applied for: HfMDK, KunstPAKT, foundations, sponsoring
  • Application for coaching, support incl. scope

What support can I expect?

  • Funds for interdisciplinary projects can be applied for via the KunstPAKT funding program.
  • Further project funding can only be approved in exceptional cases. However, additional third-party funding is possible. Responsibility lies with the students who wish to carry out the project.
  • The HfMDK provides excellent artistic supervision and advice. It provides support as far as possible with infrastructure (rooms, advertising).

Final report, performance, documentation

Part of the project is a project conclusion with one of the following options:

  • Performance/presentation and final report. The students involved are responsible for the organization and realization of the performance/presentation. The Directorate of Education is available for advice. The written final report should include meaningful material and a text section of 4-10 DIN A-4 pages.
  • Instead of a performance, a documentation (video/audio) is also possible. In this case, the final report should also be 4-10 pages long.
  • If the interdisciplinary project is in the field of research, a research report of approx. 4-10 A4 pages must be submitted.

Advertised interdisciplinary projects

In addition to the possibility of independently designing and carrying out interdisciplinary projects, there are occasionally also advertised interdisciplinary projects. The conditions are set out in the application information.

Directorate of Artistic Music Studies, Prof. Florian Hölscher
Frankfurt am Main in May 2024


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